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1 - What is the basic definition Hair Transplantation and why should I decide for it?


Hair transplantation is a medical operation that is performed under local anesthesia and it is basicly the transport of the hair follicles from the donor area (especially from the back and sides of the head) which is resistant to fall out.


The reason why you should decide for a Hair Transplantation is very simple, because having hair makes you look younger and better. Hair will make you more confident and happy. Not to mention that the operation is easy and painless.


2 - Why should I choose Istanbul for my Hair transplantation?


Because in Istanbul we have the best doctors, most modern hair transplantation clinics, where the newest techniques are being applied and offer you affordable prices.


3 - What is the difference of HairPro?


HairPro is here to effort you the best Hair Transplantation experience in Istanbul. We as HairPro believe that Hair Transplantation is a medical procedure and should not be performed in small clinics, this is the reason why we are working with the biggest and most modern Hospital group of Turkey with the best doctors.


We provide you very unique and special packages, highest quality of service with our dedicated and experienced team and incomparable prices.


4 - Is there a special time of the year I need to get my Hair Transplantation done or can I do it 365 days of the year?


You can choose any time of the year to get your Hair Transplantation done, because with FUE methode the operation does not leave any scars or stiches behind. You can even go swim 7-10 days after the operation is done (of course with your doctors permission).


5 - What are the basic steps of the Hair Transplantation?


Doctors consultation and hairline design, Hair Transplantation procedure, PRP Treatment, post operative examination, first head wash


6 - What is the FUE technique and what are the advantages of it?


FUE (follicular unit extraction) is the healthiest, most comfortable, accepted and modern method for Hair Transplantation.


The biggest advantages of FUE method are:

the operation is performed under local anesthesia without any pain, scars or stiches on the head which allows you to resume your daily activities after the procedure. After 2 weeks all the visible effects of the operation are gone.


7 - What is PRP treatment, is it necessary and should I pay extra for this treatment?


PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) is a modern and unique treatment for Hair restoration and growth. It is concentrated blood plasma which contains 3-5 times of platelets found in normal blood. It also contains platelet derived growth factor, vascular endothelial growth factor, transforming growth factor and other bioactive proteins that help hair growth and wound healing. PRP treatment ensures the performance of the Hair Transplantation and is a must for a modern procedure.


Your HairPro Hair Transplantation package includes PRP Treatment during your Hair Transplantation procedure, you don’t need to pay any extra for this special treatment.


8 - How long does the Hair Transplantation procedure last and will it cause pain?


The Hair Transplantation procedure lasts up to 6-8 hours depending on the amount of the grafts that your donor area is willing to give. But the procedure itself is very painless and clean without any scars or stiches. The only thing you can feel is the injection of the local anasthesia which can cause the minumum amount of pain just for 10 seconds.


9 - How many grafts can be transplanted in one Hair Transplantation session?


Nowadays with the newest techniques and equipment it is possible to transplant up to 5000-6000 grafts in one session. But the amount of the grafts to be transplanted is depending on your donor area. Our doctors make your personal consultation from your pictures (from front, above, back and both sides) and decide on the exact amount of the grafts that your donor area allows them to be transplanted.


10 - I don’t want my head to be shaved, do you have a solution for me?


Yes. We offer you to make your Hair Transplantation with a unique procedure. We call it No Shave FUE. But first you need to get our doctors permission after your consultation.


But it is important for us that our doctor confirms that this procedure is applicable for your case, because the doctors decission is the first thing we rely on


11 - How long should my trip to Istanbul be?


Our packages include at least 2 nights accomodation at the 5 Star Radisson Hotel very near to our hospital. We recommend you to plan your trip to Istanbul for at least 3 days and 2 nights, which is enough for the Hair Transplantation procedure and post operative treatment.

If you want to enjoy the beautiful city of Istanbul for some further days we recommend to plan a longer trip. It is up to you to stay at Radisson or at another Hotel. In case you want to stay at Radisson please fill it in our form the amount of the nights you want to stay and get your offer accordingly. We prepared a ‘to do list - Istanbul’ for you, in case you need some tips.


Don’t forget our packages do not include your flight.


12 - I will have company with me who is not having a Hair Transplantation procedure, what should I pay for him/her?


No problem, your company is more than welcome with HairPro. We do not charge for your company during your Hair Transplantation stay at Radisson Hotel including bed and breakfast.


Don’t forget our rooms have 1 double bed for 2 adults, not 2 single beds.


13 - What does HairPro recommend me to do before and after the Hair Transplantation procedure?


We recommend our patients not to consume alcohol 3 days before and after the procedure. In addition to that it is recommended to quit smoking for 2 weeks (starting from the week before) for better performances of your Hair Transplantation procedure.


14 - Which information should I provide the doctor for the day of the operation?


You need to inform our doctor about your hair loss process (when and how it started) and if you had any treatment before. Don’t forget to inform our doctor if you are using any medication or have any allergies.


15 - How can I and my friends get a special discount at HairPro? Do we have some advantages in planning the Hair Transplantion with friends together?


We are working hard to give you the best service for the best and affordable prices. If you and your friends are coming together for the Hair transplantation to Istanbul our system rewards you and your friends with a very special discount up to %30 (depending on the number of persons).


Another reason for planning the Hair Transplantation journey with your friends is that Istanbul is one of the most beautiful cities of the world and it is great to experience and enjoy it with your friends.

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