Hair Transplantation Fue
FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) is the healthiest, most comfortable, most accepted and modern method of Hair Transplantation that is highly technical and the most effective way of getting maximum value out of every donor hair.
During an FUE transplant hair follicles from the donor area are extracted, typically from the back of the neck, using a specialised extraction instrument, less than 1mm in diameter. Follicles are then transferred to the recipient area on your scalp and implanted using a powerful stereo microscope in groups of one to four hairs, just as they grow in nature.
This is a Minimally invasive, surgical procedure so you will remain fully conscious the whole time as only local anesthetic is required. Recovery time is short and the risk of complications is low.
The biggest advantages of the FUE method are;
The surgery is performed under local anesthesia completely without pain, wounds or stitches on the head, so that you can carry out your daily activities immediately after the operation. Even after 2 weeks, all visible effects of the surgery are disappeared. At first you will visit your doctor, who will perform your Hair Transplantation, for your personal consultation. All steps of the procedure will be explained to you in detail.
Finally, a blood test will be done and later your head will either be shaved or if you have chosen No Shave Hair Transplant it will be left as it is, depending on the method, afterwards you will decide together with the doctor your new hair line.
First a local anesthesia will be done so you will not feel any pain during the Hair Transplant surgery. This first phase of the FUE Hair Transplant surgery will begin with the extraction of follicular units from the donor area (back and / or at the side of the scalp) and the channels in the receiving area (where the graft will be implanted) be opened, which will take approximately 3 hours,
As soon as the first phase ends, there will be a break for snacks.
In the second phase of your Hair Transplantation, previously removed follicular units are implanted in the receiving area during this phase of the operation you will also receive a PRP treatment (Platelet Rich Plasma). This second phase will take approximately 4 hours.
When the operation is completed, the donor area will be covered with a bandage. You will be explained about all the precautions for the next few weeks. Then you will be driven to your hotel to rest.
The next day we will bring you back to the hospital. Our Doctor will be awaiting you for the postoperative control. Afterwards your bandage will be removed and you will be informed about the guidelines for the first hair wash at home. Your medication will be prepare and given to you to use at home for a specific time.

No Shave FUE Hair Transplantation
Baldness is one of the biggest problems of many men. In the modern world Hair Transplantation is one of the most performed operation by men, because it’s easy and solves the baldness problem at one session. But still many people don’t want it to be heard that they had a Hair Transplantation. No shave FUE Hair Transtplantation is the exact solution for them.
It simply is the same as the normal FUE Hair Transplantation operation but the only difference is the number of the grafts that are being transplanted by the operation. Because it is performed without shaving the head it needs more time and concentration for the performer to get into the right place to transplant the grafts and each graft takes longer to be extracted and transplanted because of the hair around.
HairPro offers its patients the No Shave FUE Hair Transplantation solution, but we need your consultation with our Doctors. After they confirm to perform your Hair Transplantation with No Shave FUE technique and make your diagnose, we make you a special offer for your Hair Transplantation.
Please get in touch with our Doctors for a free consultation and special offer for a No Shave FUE Hair Transplantation.